Coach Steve Hazzelby was again left ruining needless penalties after Sedgley Tigers lost 29-23 at Leicester Lions in National One last Saturday.

The team were on the road for the second time this season and after previous exchanges between the sides had been fairly even, Hazzelby and Co headed to the East Midlands with high hopes.

But they again squandered chances to win.

Hazzelby said: “”We had prepared well in training and despite missing a number of key players on the day through injury and unavailability we were confident that we could put in a winning performance.

“We did get a losing bonus point but this was another disappointing, frustrating loss, and another game which we could have won.

“The effort and the workrate from the players cannot be questioned, but we cannot afford to give away so many penalties and expect to win.”

It was the home team who had the better of the early exchanges, putting pressure on the Tigers’ defence and scoring first with a well-worked converted try to put them ahead after 12 minutes.

Sedgley hit back with a penalty from fly-half Oli Glasse three minutes later to put them on the scoreboard, but Leicester scored their second try after a misfield to make it 12-3 within 20 minutes.

A big reaction was needed from the visitors and a second penalty for Glasse reduced the arrears - and the rest of the half belonged to the visitors. A penalty into the corner saw the forwards put in a powerful catch-and-drive which hooker Ben Gregory touched down and Glasse kicked the difficult conversion to make it 13-12 to Sedgley going into the last six minutes of the half.

Another penalty into the corner resulted in another powerful catch- and-drive from the forwards, that Gregory finished off to give him his second score in four minutes. Glasse again kicked the difficult conversion to increase the Tigers’ lead to 20-12 at the break.

Sedgley started the second half well and quickly increased their lead to 23-12 with another lovely penalty from Glasse on 47 minutes.

But Leicester, to their credit, continued to pressure The Tigers line at every opportunity and solid work from their forwards resulted in a converted try which put them back in the game at 23-19 with most of the half to go.

The visitors looked to gain territory and build phases in their half, but penalty after penalty against them meant they could not get any continuity or momentum.

Leicester retook the lead 24-23 in the 64th minute with a well-worked forward drive, and went further ahead eight minutes later with their fifth try.

Sedgley were now playing catch up, trying desperately to get back in the game. And they had a great opportunity to score in the last play of the game, but the ball was held up and the game finished in Leicester’s favour.

Hazzelby added: “All the players gave their all, but special mention to hooker Ben Gregory, who scored two tries, and fly-half Oli Glasse, who scored 13 points and put in a great performance.”

This Saturday, Sedgley are at home to Bishop Stortford looking to get back to winning ways in the league.