Fourteen members of Bury AC travelled to Kingsley last Friday to compete in the prestigious Mid Cheshire 5k race and many were rewarded with personal-best times.

First home was Martin Clark in a new PB of 15mins 4secs, finishing just outside the top 50 in the quality field. He was more than a minute faster than his time over the course in April, demonstrating the significant improvements he has made this season. His time is the fastest by a Bury athlete in four years.

Christian Peters was the next local home, crossing the line in 15:57, another PB and his first time under 16 minutes. Next came Luke Harreld, running strongly to finish in 16:21, while club captain, Byron Edwards, set a season’s best of 17:06 and was 15th in the V50 category. Hot on his heels was Conor Wilkinson (17:07) with Jack Passey next, making his club debut with an impressive 17:09. Matt Garside was next, in 17:20, followed by Paul Johnston, with 17:31, placing him 32nd in the V45 category. Tim Pockney was 10 seconds adrift with 17:41- a season’s best.

Sinead Taylor was Bury’s first women home in 17:38, a new best for the distance, and in 40th place in the women’s line up. Craig Sykes was the next finisher with 18:10, equalling his best for the season and securing 25th place in the V50 category, while Caitlyn Johnston was just behind him with 18:12, a new PB and giving her 54th-placed woman. Alia Braithwaite was next with 18:21, just outside her best for the season, while Giles Bennett crossed the line in 19:25, again just a second outside a season’s best and securing 23rd in the V55 category.

The previous Wednesday, Jack Griffiths was Bury’s sole competitor in the Run Media City 5k race where he ran strongly to take fourth place in 17:12.