Women’s rugby is undergoing a transformative evolution, and nowhere is this more evident than at Bury RUFC.

The pace of change is exhilarating and Bury players have witnessed first hand the rapid growth of the club’s women’s team, by the dedication of volunteer coaches - Max, Kenny, and Mike - who are passionate about expanding the team. Their efforts have provided a notable surge in team size for the upcoming 2024/25 season.

But it is not just about the numbers. The club’s commitment to celebrating women’s rugby extends beyond the field.

They have introduced vital support roles like a wellbeing officer and social secretaries, ensuring every member enjoys not only competitive play but also a vibrant community off the pitch.

They have seen a surge in interest from younger players - a promising sign for the future - and this influx has inspired plans to establish an under-18s girls’ section, marking a significant step towards building a sustainable pipeline of talent.

With the club set to celebrate its 150th anniversary next year, they are aiming to double current numbers by bolstering connections with local schools, enhancing outreach efforts and fostering a deeper connection between rugby and women in the community.