A WHITEFIELD man who conspired to steal rail from Metrolink has been jailed for 18 months.

Stuart Amphlett, aged 33, of Sefton Street, was one of five men who abused their position as railway contractors to steal up to £1.5 million of track and railway sleepers from Network Rail.

They were sentenced at Birmingham Crown Court for a total of 11 years and nine months in prison, while two other men were also given suspended sentences, totalling 21 months, for their involvement.

The court heard the group had looked to exploit the maintenance and upgrade work being carried out by Network Rail on the West Coast Mainline in and around Rugby.

Terry Doherty, a co-director of BRP (Rugby) Ltd, sub-contracted by Jarvis to remove rail, conspired with John Burtenshaw, Jarvis plant manager, to steal rail and sleepers which should have been taken to authorised recyclers, with Network Rail receiving the value of the metal. Doherty also conspired with Amphlett, a logistics manager with Carillion, to steal rail from the Manchester Metrolink project.

Amphlett was jailed after pleading guilty to conspiracy to steal from Manchester Metrolink.