A SHOPLIFTER has been spared jail after a judge gave him one last chance to turn his life around.

Bolton Crown Court judge Timothy Clayson warned Keehin Moriarty, aged 21, of Padiham Close, Bury, he would end up in prison if he did not change his ways.

Last October, Moriarty was given a 12-month suspended prison sentence for smashing his way into the Old Crow pub in Bell Lane, Moorside, and stealing £1,800 from the till. But just six months later, Moriarty was back committing crime.

Last Thursday, the court heard that at 3.30pm on March 23 this year, Moriarty went into the Co-operative shop in Ainsworth Road, Elton, and stole a bottle of white wine, red wine and a crate of Fosters lager worth a total value of £16.78.

Four hours later, Moriarty stole lager and chocolate worth a total of £5.58 from another shop. At an earlier hearing, Moriarty pleaded guilty to two counts of theft. The judge was told Moriarty, a former Woodhey High School pupil, had problems relating to alcohol.

Judge Clayson imposed a six-month supervision order and a six-month alcohol treatment programme.

He told Moriarty: “If you keep on offending, I will have no option but to lock you up.”