AN undercover police “sting”in Bury has put a prolific drug dealer behind bars.

Leon Beckford, aged 33, was snared in the operation to stop the supply of heroin and crack cocaine around the Manchester Road Park area.

Last Thursday, Bolton Crown court heard that plain-clothed police officers began to make contacts with drug users in the Bury area last winter and gradually became acquainted with dealers.

On December 14, they phoned Beckford and agreed to meet him outside Morrisons Supermarket in Bury New Road, Whitefield.

Beckford drove a silver Vauxhall Corsa to the meeting and gave the officers a wrap of cocaine and a wrap of heroin in exchange for £20.

Similar meetings took place on six other occasions up until January 25.

After building up evidence against Beckford and other suspects, police carried out dawn raids on 15 houses in East Bury on June 13, arresting 11 men.

When questioned by police, Beckford, of Booth Road, Little Lever, admitted drug dealing and in court pleaded guilty to seven counts of supplying class A drugs.

Defence counsel Stuart Duke said Beckford had a history of heroin addiction and gave it up until he lost his job at a double glazing firm in Bury and his mother was diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Mr Duke added: “He started taking drugs again and started selling drugs to pay for them.

“He is living with his girlfriend and was driving her car around.

“She had absolutely no knowledge of what he was doing.

“His partner is devastated by his actions and he has a young child.”

As he passed sentence, Judge Timothy Clayson referred to Beckford’s criminal past.

He added: “You have done this before.

“In 2004 you were given a five-year prison sentence for identical offences, which makes it very difficult to sympathise with your position.”

Beckford was sentenced to five years and 10 months in prison.

A Proceeds of Crime Act hearing will take place on September 28.

At the same hearing, Joseph Hindley, aged 28, of Bronte Avenue, Bury, was given a 10-month sentence, suspended for 18 months, after he admitted two counts of dealing class A drugs in St Peter’s Road, near Bury Cemetery David Billington, aged 38, of Windermere Drive, Bury, was given a 12-month sentence, suspended for 18 months, after he also admitted two counts of dealing class A drugs.

Three other drug dealers linked to the operation are set to be sentenced at the same court on July 19.

Ch Supt Jon Rush, divisional commander at Bury, said: “This operation was months in the planning and has caused significant disruption to both those who use and supply illegal drugs in Bury.

“These raids form part of our ongoing activity to tackle drug dealing across our borough and people will see further action taking place over the coming months.”

Insp Charlotte Cadden, from Bury East Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: “This sentencing for drug dealing in and around the Manchester Road park area, sends out a strong message that both the police and community will simply not tolerate this kind of activity in their neighbourhood.

“Open spaces such as our local parks are places that are there to be enjoyed by families, not to be used by criminals for illicit deals.