A RADCLIFFE man who has successfully battled cancer is looking to raise £15,000 for the hospital that treated him by undertaking a marathon football trip.

Mark Higginson was diagnosed with throat cancer last year and underwent three operations, three weeks of chemotherapy and six weeks of radiotherapy at The Christie hospital.

The 52-year-old, who is now in remission, felt so indebted to the work of the hospital that he wanted to do something to repay them.

And the sports fan decided to give his fundraiser a football-related theme and visit all 92 Football League clubs — in the space of two weeks.

He has already had £1,500 pledged in sponsorship, and is looking to raise 10 times that much when he completes his trip on August 17. The senior production manager will be joined by his 22-year-old daughter Rebecca and, as far as fundraising efforts are concerned, they will be entering the unknown. I can’t say if it’s ever been done before, but I don’t know of anyone doing it,” he said.

“It can be done, just about, but the biggest problem is going to be the two days in London because the Olympics are going to be on at the same time.”

Mark and Rebecca will have their pictures taken at every club and will post them on a website which will be updated throughout the trip so people can track their progress.

They will also get a souvenir from every club which will be auctioned off at a special fundraising night they will organise later.

They will cover a distance of 2,031 miles.

On his reasons for embarking on the trip, he said: “When you have cancer you see other people with it, especially kids, and the terrible things it can do.You don’t realise how many people are affected by it, and when you do it really opens your eyes.”

Sponsorship or donations can be made by visiting justgiving.com/challenge92