A CAMPAIGN has been launched to buy vital medical equipment which could save lives in Tottington.

Judith Kelly, of Rhine Close, wants to buy a community defibrillator to be installed in a public place in the centre of the village, possibly in Market Street.

If someone suffered a cardiac arrest, the equipment could be used by members of the public to restart their heart.

Mrs Kelly, aged 45, said: “When someone suffers sudden cardiac arrest, access to a defibrillator in a short time can increase their chances of survival by 50 per cent. That really could be the difference between life and death.”

Mother-of-two Mrs Kelly, who is involved in several community groups in Tottington, heard about community defibrillators at a recent meeting organised by the police.

She has since set up a constituted group, named Tottington Community Defibrillator Appeal Group, and started raising the £1,750 needed for the equipment.

The official launch will be held on Sunday, July 1 at Tottington’s Music In The Park, where there will be a stand and plenty of information.

Mrs Kelly has already got support from many businesses, who have donated raffle prizes, organised dress down days and agreed to display flyers and collection boxes.

She said: “The response we have had so far has been brilliant. Everyone realises what a difference a community defibrillator could make.

“In the 2001 census, there were 3,803 households in Tottington and there’ll be more now. If every household gave just £1 we’d have enough to buy, install and maintain a community defibrillator for several years.”

The community defibrillator would be wall-mounted and secured in a yellow box with a keypad.

The emergency services would direct people to it if required and provide the key code to access the equipment.

From opening the box, a voice gives simple instructions and the defibrillator can adjust its own settings.

To find out more or make a donation: email Mrs Kelly at judithhale28@hotmail.com or visit Cobwebs, in Market Street, Tottington.