Correspondents continue to state that Whitehead Park is closed and your headline states: “I thought a councillor would want park open.”

I therefore must repeat that the park has never been closed.

The bowls, tennis, football facilities and a ball zone are still open while there are acres of grassland for children to play any number of games.

Council officers decided that the children’s playground needed refurbishing and instead of a speedy, economical improvement, they embarked, quite surprisingly when funds are limited, on a £40,000 major replacement scheme which includes a large climbing frame for older children opposite residents’ homes and they were entitled to object.

“Wendy” (Letters, May 26) wrote that those who objected to the climbing frame were “absolutely pathetic” and had “nothing better to do with their lives”. The objectors have received hate mail and I am sympathetic to them exercising their right to comment on this intrusion in their lives without suffering vilification.

Mrs McCaffrey in her letter appears to condone teenagers drinking beer in the park (a problem for more than 20 years) and challenges me to say where else they can go.

It is not really up to me to dictate, but I would suggest they might choose from the Air/Sea/Army Cadets, scouts, guides, St John Ambulance, swimming, badminton at Castle Leisure centre, karate, dancing, football training, cinema, junior band practice etc, all available within walking distance of the climbing frame.

Cllr Roy E Walker Church Ward Bury