I HAVE the uneasy feeling that the residents of Edenfield have been duped. Recently reported in the local press and on TV, Langley house Trust was planning to house paedophiles in Chatterton Hey.

During a public meeting at the village cricket club on May 18, the borough council’s CEO, Helen Lockwood, and a representative from the police, explained that during an earlier meeting Langley House Trust, in view of anger amongst villagers, agreed not to house paedophiles in this old manor house.

Unfortunately this did not extend to other sex offenders.

I believe Langley House Trust were always intent on housing sex offenders, not necessarily paedolphiles. in Chatterton Hey.

By focusing local protests on paedophiles and agreeing to put a block on these they could be seen to respond to villagers’ concerns, whilst allowing convicted rapists through the proverbial back door.

I have no objection to Chatterton Hey being used for drug rehabilitation or similar. The housing of sex offenders will pose a real risk to villagers who should continue to object by contacting the powers that be such as your MP.

Richard Hanson Bolton Road NorthEdenfield Ramsbottom