I ABSOLUTELY agree with George Steele’s letter “Council should take over car park” (May 19), concerning the on-going and most confusing car parking fiasco that prevails in Bury at present.

Yet another dispute about someone being fined for leaving the Moorgate retail car park on foot. But, wait a minute, this case is different, if, as the writer claims, he, as the driver, did not leave the site after making a legitimate purchase at Comet. How on earth can a driver be penalised for the actions of his passengers be they family, friends or just someone being given a lift? This is the equivalent of a passenger being held responsible because a driver was speeding.

It is absolutely ridiculous and I believe unenforceable in law and should be challenged and the fine not paid. Of course, this whole scenario is farcical.

Would a driver be fined if he simply dropped someone off to go off site but he remained in the car without patronising the stores in question? Of course, that would be an abuse of the rules, but the rules are flawed and unworkable.

One thing bothers me about Mr Steele’s letter though. I don’t wish to doubt his word as I don’t know the man but he says his ticket, presumably he means parking ticket, was timed at 15.15 hours, but you do not obtain a parking ticket on the Moorgate retail car park.

It is just possible that he purchased a ticket from the machine at the medical centre car park next door which is a NSL/Bury Council pay and display site in which case he wasted his money buying a ticket anyway if, as he stated, he was parked on the retail park. Also he would have left that site on foot to purchase his ticket. Now I too am confused.

Name and address supplied