My wife has just returned home with a leaflet headed Dignity at Work from her job with Bury Council.

She was required to sign that she had received it. She is one of the women pursuing the council through the courts for a settlement of their equal pay claim. The leaflet has two definitions printed: 1. Harrassment occurs when someone engages in unwanted conduct which has the purpose or effect of violating someone’s dignity . . . or creates a degrading environment.

2. Bullying is . . . offensive, malicious behaviour towards a group of people. It is meant to undermine and/or humiliate the recipient.

Well, well they would know all about it wouldn't they? All these ladies ever wanted was to do their jobs and be paid the correct rate of pay for doing so.

The council has engaged in unwanted conduct which violates their dignity and creates a degrading environment by saying they are worth less than others doing the same job. Have they not also engaged in behaviour towards a group of people meant to undermine and humiliate?

Instead of spending even more taxpayers’ money on forms, they would be better engaged in practising what they preach. Perhaps another employment tribunal looms.

Former employee