Bury and Heywood's first Orthodox church is set to hold services in the borough.

St Chad's Mission, belonging to the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch, will hold a liturgy service at  St George's Church on Gore Close in Heap Bridge at 11am on Sunday, November 10.

If the "mission church" grows it will become a parish in its own right, but at present it is an outreach of St Aidan's Orthodox Church in Levenshulme.

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Father Gregory Hallam, who will be leading the services, said: "This is a first for Bury, Heywood and the surrounding areas which until now have not been served by an Orthodox church.

"We hope that we can develop our presence and be of service to communities in this area.

"We will give a warm welcome to all."

The services will take place every month on the second Sunday.