An award-winning pub has been ordered to remove a large "teepee" and bar in its beer garden described as an "essential part of the business".

The Eagle and Child in Ramsbottom was crowned UK "Pub of the Year" in 2017 and was also named best food pub in the Manchester Food and Drinks Awards two years earlier.

Last week, Bury Council rejected a retrospective planning application for permanent retention the circular tented "teepee", outside bar, pergola and toilet block.

The structures were erected during the pandemic and have been in operation ever since.

The timber frame and UPVC teepee, has a canvas cover and a footprint of 86sq/m. It is 10 metres high at its central point.

It seats up to 72 people and is heated by an external space heater.

Documents submitted in support of the plans, submitted by the owners, brewery Daniel Thwaites, said: “The teepee structure was erected during the pandemic, in response to the restrictions that were placed upon the business.

“It is used for drinking and dining and is essentially an extension of the pub and is an essential part of the business.

"The works have significantly improved the outdoor experience for customers.

“The garden, in its previous form, lacked investment and failed to provide the quality environment that customers now expect.”

The pub has won many awards including UK pub of the year (Picture: Eagle and Child)

The pub has won many awards including UK pub of the year (Picture: Eagle and Child)

The council said the application was refused earlier this month mainly on noise and traffic issues, plus design and appearance.

It is understood that after a refusal of a retrospective application, it becomes an enforcement issue if the structure remains in situ and in operation.

However, there are other options available to applicants in terms of amending any proposal to reduce and detrimental impact, so it is not automatic that an enforcement notice is immediately issued.

The Eagle and Child enjoys spectacular views of Holcombe Hill and Peel tower.

Its website describes its menu as being formed from "ingredients sourced from the very best local suppliers" with the pub "believing in the Ramsbottom community".

A council planning report said neighbours were notified of the plans in August and 21 objections were received.

They objections included that the "external bar and teepee are very noisy and have created a lot of disturbance over the past two years".

Other comments included "the teepee is an eyesore and out of keeping with the area" and that "the top interrupts views from Whalley Road across the valley to Holcombe Hill".

Other complained of waste thrown into rear gardens from beer garden.

The planning officer report concluded the proposal "would have a serious and detrimental impact on visual and residential amenity".

In terms of noise, the report said: “The difference between an average beer garden and one with a function tent catering for birthday parties and weddings etc and external bar in terms of noise impact is considered significant.”

The report also expressed concerns about on site parking as the pub only has 11 spaces.

The officer report said: “Customers park on surrounding roads, in particular Peel Brow and Cheshire Court, directly behind the pub.”

A spokesperson from Daniel Thwaites said: “The teepee was installed post-Covid as part of The Eagle and Child’s recovery plan and has since been very well received by customers and local community groups.

"Following a recent planning decision, we are currently reviewing our options and are aiming to meet with Bury’s planning team to find a solution that works for all parties.”