A community for over-55s is set to be built on the site of a demolished school.

Social housing providers Bolton at Home are set to build a three-storey apartment block along with bungalows at the former Millwood School and its grounds on Fletcher Fold Road in Bury.

The main school building was demolished in 2018 and then clearance work followed to make it suitable for future redevelopment.

Bolton at Home plan an apartment building of 33 one-bed units with and six two-bed homes with a communal room at ground floor.

There is also a row of four two-bed bungalows contained in the plans.

Communal landscaped gardens will be formed at the back of the apartment blocs with parking centrally within the built development.

The site where the apartments are set to be built

The site where the apartments are set to be built

A design and access statement from the applicant in support of the plans said: “The proposed accommodation is to meet an identified need for older persons accommodation in the borough.

“By providing much needed purpose-built older persons accommodation that can be easily adapted to changing needs as people age, it is hoped that family housing will be freed up within the borough.

“Given the intended user group all accommodation will be designed with spacious entrances, open plan kitchens and dining and level access bathrooms.

“The dwellings will also be dementia friendly.”

The council received nine objections with some saying there are too many properties for the size of the site.

Others said the three storey height would be too high and access from Fletcher Fold Road would be too narrow for cars, emergency vehicles, delivery vans and bin collections.

Others said a site meeting with residents should be held and that the proposal included the removal of healthy trees.

A planning officer report recommending approval of the plans said: "This development has been designed with specific needs in mind for the over 55s and is considered to be appropriate.

“The local planning authority worked positively with the applicant to ensure that the proposal comprised sustainable development and would improve the economic, social and environmental conditions of the area and would accord with the development plan.”

Members of the planning committee will decide on the plans tomorrow, Thursday.