Gasworks are underway near a junction in Bury town centre, which will run until the end of next month. 

Network Plus, on behalf of Cadent Gas, will be carrying gas pipeline upgrades in the vicinity of the Angouleme Way, Market Street junction and Murray Road.

The works are due to last for five weeks and finish on Friday, October 26.

They are being completed in phases to "minimise as much as possible any disruption to road users and pedestrians".

Works will involve the replacement of old gas pipeline infrastructure within the public highway, starting on the northbound side of Market Street, and then moving on to the Angouleme Way/A58 junction. The final phase will be at Murray Road.

The works will make way for the £33m Bury Market regeneration scheme.

Bury Market will be open for business as usual throughout the works.

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Network Plus will oversee and co-ordinate traffic management in the area and there will be temporary diversion signage and multi-way traffic signals in place to help the flow of traffic.

The left turn from Market Street into Angouleme Way will be closed every day until the works are finished.

The diversion will be via Angouleme Way, Rochdale Road and using the roundabout below junction two of the M66 and vice-versa.

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The period of time when the diversion is in place will be kept under review as the works get underway.

Murray Road will be closed on the non market days of October 14, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 24 and 27.

The council's regeneration team have worked with Network Plus to ensure all the main roads in the vicinity remain open during the works.

A council spokesperson added: "While every effort will be made to minimise disruption, road users are advised to plan ahead and allow more time to travel."