A Grand Designs-style "eco-home" similar to Gary Neville's 'Teletubbies house' remains refused after a ruling by the Planning Inspectorate.

The applicant, Gary Dent, applied for planning permission for a site between Bolton and Bury, on Ringley Old Brow, around one year ago.

The application for an "eco-home" with energy-efficient features such as a green roof was refused for the first time last year and for a second time this year on the basis of its impact on the Green Belt.

At the time of this year's refusal, a councillor said it was similar to Neville's so-called Teletubbies house due to its semi-submerged appearance on the site close to the villages of Ringley and Stoneclough. 

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Debbie Newall, a current councillor for Kearsley Ward, said: "The applicant is taking the trouble to present this as a development which deserves merit but my opinion is it is a bit of an eyesore. Even if it was not in the Green Belt it would be incongruous in this setting."

Mudasir Dean, a former councillor for Bradshaw Ward, said: "I will be supporting refusal. It reminds me of an application in my ward from a footballer and it is inappropriate development in the Green Belt so I will be supporting refusal."

Mr Dent appealed to the Planning Inspectorate but the application remains refused after a ruling by the Planning Inspector H Jones.

The Planning Inspector agreed with councillors the application would be an inappropriate development of the Green Belt last week.

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They said: "The proposal conflicts with the development plan as a whole and the considerations in this case, including the National Planning Policy Framework, do not indicate that the appeal should be decided other than in accordance with it. 

"I conclude that the appeal should be dismissed."

Neville's Teletubbies house received planning permission more than 10 years ago on a site in Harwood. Although it received planning permission the ex-Manchester United captain said "Tubby Bye Bye" to the plan a few years after approval.

This article was written by Jack Tooth. To contact him, email jack.tooth@newsquest.co.uk or follow @JTRTooth on Twitter.