A man is celebrating after winning the Made In Bury Weekly £2,000 Draw.

Lucas Mullineaux works at Carlyle Support Services and is a revenue officer contracted to train operator Northern.

Lucas has worked at the firm for a month, but prior to that he worked for a borough business and purchased his ticket when Debi and Phil from the draw team visited to surprise one of his colleagues with a £2,000 win.

And now Lucas has been given the same surprise after winning with ticket number 24048.

He said he will spend his winnings by treating himself by topping up his wardrobe of designer clothes and also towards a holiday with his girlfriend.

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If you would like to win like Lucas, go to draw.madeinbury.co.uk for tickets.

The draw is a not-for-profit scheme with funds raised from the draw supporting start-up businesses in Bury with training and interest-free loans.

There are 2,400 tickets available and for £2 per ticket per week, you have a chance to win £2,000 every Wednesday.

For more information call 079681 53503 or email weeklydraw@madeinbury.co.uk.