One of the oldest brass bands in the world is looking for new members to help keep its rich tradition alive.

The Besses o’ th’ Barn band first formed in 1815.

The band has undertaken two world tours, visiting Australia, New Zealand, Canada and America, and hosted high-profile conductors such as Alexander Owen and the late Major Peter Parkes throughout the years.

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They are now looking for musicians to help the legacy continue, with member David W Ashworth fearing that the band may “disappear” otherwise.

He said: “Brass bands seem to have become secondary in life these days and the tradition has disappeared somewhat.

“It feels like no-one is taught to play anymore and we want to bring back the art. I know that to rebuild the band to its former glory would take years, but it would be good to put it back on the map again.

Besses o' th' Barn is one of the oldest brass bands in the worldBesses o' th' Barn is one of the oldest brass bands in the world (Image: supplied)

“When a band loses its name out of everyday conversation it’s difficult to get back and we are in danger of disappearing. This tradition cannot die.

“It’s not just a hobby for many of our members, it’s a way of life for those who have been brought up with it and we want the next generation to get involved.

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“We have players travelling from all over, with one coming from Kirby Longsdale to help keep the tradition going.

“We know there are players out there. If anyone at all in the area wants to start playing, we need them to get in touch.”

The band, which is based on Moss Lane in Whitefield, are looking for two back row cornets, two bassist and two tuned percussionists, however, all musicians are encouraged to get involved.  

David, 73 from Saddleworth, has played all his life having started with the tenor horn at just seven years old.

He has conducted for four years and worked as a national adjudicator.

He added: “There are events such as the Whit Friday brass band contest, which I think is the greatest free show on earth. There are up to 300 bands touring each year.”

Anyone who would like to learn more can contact David on 07821 269 958 or email