Senior councillors have been urged to sign off fresh deals to provide supported accommodation after a rise in the number of people needing such services.

A council report found the number of people that have "complex needs has significantly increased over the last three years".

The local authority says this has meant "services have had to accommodate people with complex and diverse needs to ensure that needs are met".

A rise in homelessness and more people struggling to sustain tenancies "strongly suggests" there is a need for the continuation of supported accommodation for single people and childless couples aged over 18, the council said.

It added there is still the need for "floating support services" for all Bury residents, including single people, childless couples and families with dependent children. Floating support will be "tenure neutral", which includes people living in social housing, private tenancies and those that are owner occupiers.

After a consultation and tendering process, council officers have recommended that Adullam Homes should be given a four-year contract to deliver 60 units of supported accommodation.

And the council recommends that Calico Homes should be awarded a four-year deal to provide 600 hours a week of floating support.

Town hall chiefs also recommend that there should be an option for both organisations, which have already been delivering such services in the last five years, to have their contracts extended by a further 12 months "based on performance and review".

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A report prepared for council deputy leader, Cllr Tamoor Tariq - who is also the cabinet member for health and adult care - ahead of a cabinet meeting on Wednesday, states: "There has been a significant increase in the number of single people that require tenancy-related services and households that require interventions to sustain their tenancies.

"Rough sleeping and single homelessness has increased locally, due to numerous factors.

"There is a need for supported accommodation for single people and floating support for households to reflect rising homelessness in the borough, regionally and nationally.

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"Services must be fit for purpose, to prevent people from failing in their tenancies and provide housing solutions that develop independent living skills and improve quality of life in the community.

"A tendering exercise has been completed to reflect the award to Adullam Homes and Calico Enterprise, which delivers both quality and savings to the council."

The report said the awarding of the two contracts will save £45,000.

Cabinet members will be asked to sign off on the plans at the meeting.