I understand the deep frustration and worry that many feel regarding the current state of immigration and border security.

It’s clear that the system is broken. We are witnessing criminal smuggling gangs exploit our borders, leading to tragic losses of life, including children.

The asylum system is in disarray, and the situation along our borders is both dangerous and unsustainable.

The Labour government is committed to a sensible, serious plan to address these issues.

We’ve been in government for just over a month, and while this is not enough time to make amends for 14 years of the last government, we are focused on real solutions, not gimmicks.

We must ensure that our immigration policies are both fair and enforceable, protecting the most vulnerable while maintaining the integrity of our borders.

We want strong border security with a well-managed asylum system where the UK plays its part in helping those genuinely fleeing persecution, while also ensuring that those who have no right to be here are swiftly removed.

We need to take much more robust action against the criminal networks profiting from this chaos, starting long before boats even reach the French coast.

It will take time to clear the asylum backlog and strengthen our borders, but there is no alternative to serious work. Your concerns on this are heard, and they matter.

As your MP, I’m committed to addressing the chaos we’ve inherited and ensuring that we have a robust, fair, and effective immigration system that the public can trust.

Bury North MP James DalyBury North MP James Daly (Image: James Daly)

Regarding recent violent disorder, it is unacceptable and criminal. Those who rioted exploited the appalling, senseless murder of three young girls, and this has been lost in the violent scenes that followed.

Our thoughts remain with those affected by the tragic events in Southport, and we will continue to support the community as it grieves.

We are on high alert to tackle any further disorder and are committed to ensuring that those responsible face the full force of the law.

Since the violence first erupted, police have made more than 1,000 arrests, and nearly 400 individuals have been charged.

Britain is a proud and tolerant nation, and there can be no excuse for the shameful actions of hooligans, thugs, and extremist groups who have attacked police officers, looted local shops, or targeted individuals based on the colour of their skin.

We have consistently supported our police with the resources and powers they need to maintain order, and we have ramped up criminal justice measures, including fast-tracked sentencing.

As your MP, I am in frequent communication with Greater Manchester Police, our civic and faith leaders to ensure vigilance against any criminal disorder and intolerance.

The safety and security of our communities remain our highest priority, and we will continue working tirelessly to ensure peace on our streets.