Although I was not successful in the recent general election, the Bury Times have asked me to continue contributing to the paper’s regular columns.

I regard this as an honour and am delighted to accept the invitation.

I will be joining my colleague, Cllr Russell Bernstein, leader of the Conservative Group on the council.

Having mentioned my esteemed colleague, I would like to take the opportunity to pay tribute to his late brother, Sir Howard Bernstein, who passed away a few weeks ago.

Sir Howard was the legendary chief executive of Manchester City Council who - among many achievements - helped to rebuild Manchester city centre following the IRA bomb in 1996.

As many readers will know, I am a councillor representing the Kersal and Broughton Park ward on Salford City Council.

However, since the recent boundary changes that took effect at the general election, my Salford ward has become part of the Bury South Parliamentary constituency. It remains, of course, part of Salford City Council for all local government matters.

Thus, residents of my ward will continue to pay council tax to Salford and Salford City Council are responsible for all local services such as bin collections, road repairs, social services and planning.

However, our MP is Christian Wakeford, MP for Bury South. Thus, apart from being the Tory candidate for Bury South at the general election, I will continue to have a strong connection with Bury and the Bury Times will continue to be essential reading for me!

Of course, I actually grew up in Prestwich- attending matches at both Gigg Lane and Grimshaws ( the original ground of Prestwich Heys on Heys Road).

So I know a thing or two about the great borough of Bury. I have the honour of being a member of the national Local Government Association Safer and Stronger Communities Board which scrutinises national policing and security issues etc as well as having been involved with scrutiny committees at the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, particularly waste and recycling which I am still involved in.

I would like to offer my congratulations to Christian. I thank him for conducting a clean and fair campaign (as indeed did all candidates).

I look forward to working with him for the benefit of our mutual constituents, while reserving the right to hold him to account - not least in this column!

Arnie Saunders, who was the Bury South Conservative candidate, at Castle Leisure Centre at the general election countArnie Saunders, who was the Bury South Conservative candidate, at Castle Leisure Centre at the general election count (Image: Newsquest)

I would like to end by paying tribute to my colleague James Daly, the former MP for Bury North.

He was one of the hardest working MPs in the House of Commons. Sadly it proved impossible to buck the national trend.

He secured a great deal of investment for Bury. He worked tirelessly to secure funding for Bury FC and I think it would be a fitting tribute to him if a stand at Gigg Lane was named in his honour. In fact, why not go even further and name the entire ground the James Daly Stadium!

Enjoy what is left of the summer.