A Radcliffe grandmother who was hospitalised in Croatia after falling unconscious on a flight is making “slow progress”.

Aimee Keogh, 37, was travelling with her husband, children and her mum Kay Wilson, 65, from Radcliffe on Monday, July 29 on a flight from Manchester to Egypt for a family holiday.

However, a few hours into the flight it was discovered that Kay was actually unconscious, not asleep as the family originally thought as Aimee couldn’t wake her mum up and knew something was wrong.

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The flight made an emergency stop in Croatia and Kay was put on full life support after it was discovered she had kidney failure and then developed aspiration pneumonia.

In an update on August 7, Aimee said: “She isn’t out of the woods yet but is doing slightly better.

"She has woken up but is still on sedatives and is very confused.

“It’s been so hard to see her like this. She doesn’t understand where she is or what has happened yet.

“There was a lot of damage caused to her lungs. We don’t know how long she’ll be here for.”

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Aimee said that her mum did have an underlying kidney problem caused by sepsis last year, however she was stable, and her GP said that she was fit to fly.

Aimee said that they have already spent €2,000 on accommodation in Croatia and her husband and children are due to fly home today (August 7) to try and cut costs down.

A friend of the family has set up a Go Fund Me to help pay for accommodation and cover other costs so that Aimee can stay with her mum whilst she is still critical.

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Aimee said: “It’s just been horrific. I can only visit my mum from 2pm to 3pm, and any updates have to be within those hours.

Communication with doctors has proven difficult due to the language barrier and many doctors only being able to speak limited English meaning Aimee can’t ask many questions or have a detailed discussion on her mum’s health.

Kay is currently in a hospital in the La Pad region of Dubrovnik and the Go Fund Me has currently raised £2,495 of a £3,000 target.