A financial firm worker is celebrating after winning the Made In Bury Weekly £2,000 Draw.

Charlotte Shaw, who works for DTE Risk and Financial Management Limited, has scooped the prize with ticket number 21438.

Charlotte has been employed at the business for five years and joined the draw as part of her new staff induction package, meaning her ticket is paid via payroll. In Charlotte's words, "it's great, It's such a small amount and I don't even notice it".

DTE works with a diverse range of private and corporate clients. It has a team of highly qualified and experienced financial planning consultants to provide professional, independent financial advice.

After being told she won the prize, Charlotte said: "Oh my gosh! That's great news."

She will be spending her winnings on a holiday somewhere warm and sunny with her boyfriend Simon.

Charlotte will continue to support the draw due to the small ticket cost and because "it's such a good cause".

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If you would like to win like Charlotte, go to draw.madeinbury.co.uk for tickets.

The draw is a not-for-profit scheme with funds raised from the draw supporting start-up businesses in Bury with training and interest free loans.

There are 2,400 tickets available and for £2 per ticket per week, you have a chance to win £2,000 every Wednesday.

For more information call 079681 53503 or email weeklydraw@madeinbury.co.uk.