In Labour's first King's Speech last week, Keir Starmer laid out a comprehensive legislative agenda that promises significant positive impacts for Bury South.

I want to outline several things within it that align with our community's needs and values, focusing on security, fairness, and opportunity for all.

One of the cornerstones of this programme is economic stability. The introduction of the Budget Responsibility Bill, which mandates independent assessments of major tax and spending changes, ensures that our community can trust in sound fiscal management.

This transparency will help protect public services and prevent reckless financial decisions that could negatively impact local economies. In short, no more Liz Truss style budgets again.

Labour's commitment to economic growth is promising for Bury South. The establishment of an Industrial Strategy Council aims to foster a robust partnership between businesses and workers.

This approach is designed to overcome recent cost of living challenges and promote wealth creation which benefits us all.

For Bury South, this means support for local businesses and initiatives that drive job creation and raise living standards.

King Charles III reads the King's Speech in the House of Lords ChamberKing Charles III reads the King's Speech in the House of Lords Chamber (Image: PA)

Employment rights receive a substantial boost with the proposed Employment Rights Bill.

This legislation aims to ban exploitative practices like fire and rehire and enhance workers' rights, ensuring fair treatment for all.

For the residents of Bury South, this means better job security and working conditions, fostering a more just and equitable local economy.

The English Devolution Bill promises greater local control and decision-making power.

This devolution of authority will empower local leaders to tailor solutions specifically for Bury South's unique challenges and opportunities, driving economic growth and improving public services. People in Bury know what is best for Bury.

Transportation improvements are also on the horizon. Our proposed rail reforms will enhance connectivity, making it easier for residents to commute and travel.

The government's commitment to clean energy and climate action is evident in the Great British Energy Bill. By investing in renewable energy, we can expect lower energy bills and new job opportunities in green technologies, benefiting both the environment and the local economy.

In education, the proposed Children’s Wellbeing Bill aims to raise standards and promote children's wellbeing. Bury South's schools stand to gain significantly, ensuring our children receive the best possible start in life.

The Mental Health Bill seeks to modernise mental health services, providing better support for young people and prioritising mental health alongside physical health. This holistic approach will be vital in addressing the mental health challenges faced by many in our community.

That is just a scintilla of the Bills put forward. By focusing on economic stability, job creation, housing, local empowerment, transportation, clean energy, education, and health, the government is taking significant steps to ensure a brighter, fairer future for all.

A decade of renewal starts now to provide a long term, prosperous future for all of us.