A Ramsbottom theatre show which explores how "dangerous views" are spread will be making its debut at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe next month.

I Am George Massey, by Out of Context Theatre, is a one-man show which tells the story of a Prestwich man who becomes radicalised by online messaging during a growing period of isolation.

It is the brainchild of friends Jon Walker, 29, and Stephen Davies, 30, both from Ramsbottom.  

Jon said: “The show was borne out of the idea of how someone can become radicalised fairly easily.

“It’s a cautionary tale which focuses on ‘George’, a man who lives alone, dropped out of university and doesn’t have many friends.

“We’ve put a big spotlight on mental health, dealing with depression, loneliness and isolation, and how someone engaged with certain internet groups can fall down the pathway of a very dangerous rhetoric.”

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I am George Massey will be previewing in Ramsbottom this weekend before showing at Edinburgh Fringe Festival - Meg Thornton PhotographyI am George Massey will be previewing in Ramsbottom this weekend before showing at Edinburgh Fringe Festival (Image: Meg Thornton Photography)

Out of Context is a non-profit theatre company, which aims to use local artists and actors to tell stories specific to local areas.

They will be taking the show to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe , the world's largest performance arts festival, for the first time from August 12 to 17.

The show was shortlisted for the "best play" award at the Greater Manchester Fringe Awards in 2021 while Stephen won the "best actor" award for his starring role.

Stephen, who has been acting for more than 20 years, wrote the script and plays the sole character in the show.

He said: “The main reason for writing about this topic is seeing the issues and rise of people living their lives mostly online, giving dangerous views the ability to reach large groups of people without any regulation.”

“It’s a current issue that could potentially get worse. The anger in society can be scary and it’s not got much better since we first started with the play three years ago.   

“It’s tough to play this type of character to be honest. You have to find the truth in what you’re saying which is hard with this subject.

“These are views which are not held by me but I have to find a way to be believable on stage, to create a bridge between me and these abhorrent things.  

“We want to raise questions with the audience and get people thinking about how easy it can be for vulnerable people to fall into these dangerous ways of thinking.”

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Described as “an immersive monologue that treads the boundaries of dark comedy and tragedy”, the show will be previewing this weekend (July 27 to 28) at the Theatre Royal in Ramsbottom.

I Am George Massey was shortlisted for the "best play" award at the Greater Manchester Fringe Awards in 2021 while Stephen won the "best actor" award for his starring role.

Jon, who produced and directed the show, added: “Feedback has been very positive. When we played at the Greater Manchester Fringe, I think it hit at the right moment.

“It was just after the lockdowns and people were surprised how relatable the character was. It’s a reminder that it’s important to reach out to people.

“You never know what conversions they’re having online.”