A young man headbutted his then-partner in Bury town centre during an abusive relationship in which he repeatedly attacked her.

Ryan Holmes, 21, was regularly violent towards his ex-partner between July 2021 and November 2022 when he was aged 18 and 19 and she was a couple of years younger than him, Bolton Crown Court heard.

Throughout this period, he threatened violence, attended her home uninvited, was verbally abusive and made excessive phone calls to her, the court was told.

Harriet Tighe, prosecuting, said the victim was aged 16 when they met and was classed as disabled after suffering a brain injury aged seven.

She moved into her own flat aged 17 and Holmes would stay with her at weekends.

The victim said at first he was just emotionally abusive but the behavior soon turned into physical abuse.

Holmes ordered her to give him money for cannabis and if she forgot to bring money “he would go mad”.

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Holmes often told her she was overweight and once told her “she had cow legs that could feed a family”, the court heard.

On her 18th birthday he refused to go out with her and acted like he was embarrassed to be seen with her.

Ms Tighe said that on one occasion Holmes headbutted her while they were in Bury town centre.

On another occasion, the victim was on her way to Pontins to go away with her mum. When she told Holmes he responded aggressively and said she needed to come home immediately.

He threatened to slash her tyres and also said “she was only going to the beach for other lads to look at her”.

He told her that if she was wearing shorts he would “smash her head in”, the court was told.

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She ended up coming home out of fear and lied to her mum as to why she could not join her on the holiday.

On one occasion during an argument, Holmes pushed her to the floor and stood on her face while wearing trainers, causing bruising.

On June 16, 2022, the couple officially broke up.

But following the break-up he repeatedly called her, and when she eventually answered she said she was with someone else.

Holmes then came to her flat uninvited and was banging on the door and refused to leave.

Eventually he left but returned later on and broke into her flat through an open window, Ms Tighe said.

A fight broke out and he smashed her head against the banister, tried to stop her from escaping and threw her on the floor.

Neighbours were alerted to the incident and police came and arrested Holmes.

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Laura Broome, defending, said that Holmes realised his behaviour was unacceptable, and upon reflection he expresses genuine remorse.

When he was a child, he witnessed violence in relationships and as he was only 18 at the time of offending, he was still developing neurologically.

Ms Broome said that he has now matured since the offence and there is a stark difference in his behaviour.

He is now in full time employment, has no previous convictions and is now in a new relationship and is due to become a father in October.

Addressing Holmes, Judge Jon Close said: “Your behaviour was utterly unconscionable.

“A relationship is supposed to be one of mutual support and respect and you treated her like a chattel.

“You were immature in the extreme.”

Judge Close sentenced Holmes, of Birchall Avenue, Culchech, Warrington, for one count of coercive and controlling behaviour, and Holmes received a two-year suspended sentence.

He is also required to attend 20 rehabilitation days and complete 200 hours of unpaid work.