A high school has been ordered to improve after an inspection found that “pupils do not achieve as well as they should”.

Education watchdog Ofsted rated Tottington High School as "requires improvement" in its second inspection since converting to academy status in November 2018.

Inspectors attended the school, which is part of the Shaw Education Trust, on May 14 and 15.

The report raised concerns around staff meeting the needs of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) pupils.

Ofsted scored its quality of education, behaviour and attitudes and personal development as "requires improvement" and leadership and management as "good".

Published on July 5, it said: “Some staff do not use the information that they receive about pupils with SEND to adapt learning effectively to meet the needs of these pupils.

“This means that, at times, pupils with SEND do not learn as well as they should. 

“The school should ensure that it provides appropriate training for staff to enable them to help these pupils to learn successfully.”

The report also raised concerns around the effective use of agreed learning strategies and assessment processes.

It added: “Some staff do not use the school’s assessment processes effectively to ensure that pupils’ prior knowledge is secure before moving on to new learning.

“As a result, some pupils develop misconceptions and gaps in their knowledge that are not addressed.

"The school should ensure that staff have the expertise to use assessment strategies consistently well.”

But the report did praise the Laurel Street school and its trust for taking action to strengthen the quality of education that they provide.

It said: “Most pupils’ welcome these changes. They recognise that many aspects of their school experience are improving. This is helping pupils to feel happier in school.

“Pupils appreciate that they have an increasingly strong voice in the school. For instance, break times have been extended in consultation with pupils."

The previous inspection in November 2022 rated the Laurel Street school as "good" and praised it for ensuring that “all pupils, including those with SEND, have access to a broad and ambitious curriculum".

CEO of Shaw Education Trust, Jo Morgan, said: "We are immensely pleased by this positive Ofsted report.

"Our relentless focus on strong leadership, providing an ambitious and inclusive curriculum and student well-being is leading to very positive improvements.

"With the appointment of our new experienced headteacher, David Yates, the school is in a fantastic place to develop even further. 

"We remain indebted to the whole school community, students, parents and carers, staff and governors and trustees for their ongoing support for Tottington High School and look forward to the school continuing to go from strength to strength."