Two homes that police say had become a magnet for “criminal activity and “antisocial behaviour” have been shut down.

The homes are both in the Freehold area of Rochdale and were shut down when police were granted closure orders lasting for three months.

Officers say that the activities in the homes had left neighbours “unable to sleep at night.”

Inspector Meena Yasin from GMP Rochdale said: “We have spoken to residents who have been unable to sleep at night, who are scared to carry out everyday activities within their own homes as a result of anti-social behaviour and the criminal activity of a small number of individuals exploiting the neighbourhood.

The homes will be closed for the next three monthsThe homes will be closed for the next three months (Image: GMP)

“Securing these closure orders is a really important step in creating positive change in the area, and we have been working closely with local residents and RBH to proactively tackle issues linked to these properties.  

ALSO READ: Visitors banned from property for 3 months after 'anti-social behaviour'

ALSO READ: Closure order imposed on address plagued by anti-social behaviour

“We will always take action and work with our partner agencies to ensure those who engage in anti-social or nuisance behaviour are dealt with robustly.

“And I would like to thank everyone who has opened their door and welcomed us into their houses, taken the time to speak to us, and contributed to our intelligence picture which has led to these results.

“There is palpable community spirit in this area, created by residents who have lived here for decades. We are working with them to rid the area of criminality.”