A volunteer at a new community cafe says what it provides "can really make a difference to people who are struggling".

The Salvation Army has launched the cafe in Bury in a bid to end loneliness and isolation and improve people's wellbeing.

Located at the Salvation Army Church and Community Centre in Brookshaw Street, it has also launched a food club to help those in financial difficulties.

Bury Christian Fellowship and Benefit Solutions in Bury are among those helping to supply stock, and other local companies, organisations and individuals are invited to make donations, be it food, money or time.

The life-blood of the venture is the kind and caring volunteers, of which there are nine already.

Captain Cor van der Woude with the dedicated volunteers at the Brookshaw Street buildingCaptain Cor van der Woude with the dedicated volunteers at the Brookshaw Street building (Image: Public)

Margaret, who is one of them, said: “I’ve done it before, so I’ve seen how important it is for people who are needy.

“What we provide may not seem very much to us, but it can really make a difference to people who are struggling.

“I volunteer because it’s a way of helping others and I love seeing the smile on their faces.”

The community cafeThe community cafe (Image: Public)

One visitor was there on open day to find out how it works, so she can share her knowledge with the community groups she volunteers at.

“The groups I work with struggle a lot, so I’m hoping that by explaining about this place, they will be encouraged to use it,” she said.

In the community cafeIn the community cafe (Image: Public)

Captain Cor van der Woude, church leader of The Salvation Army in Bury said: “We wanted to create a safe and friendly place for people to meet, build friendships, find new opportunities and above all feel relaxed and welcome.

“We know that following the pandemic and with the pressures of the cost-of-living still raging on, people are continuing to live in challenging times and that can make people feel lonely and isolated.”

From Monday, July 8, the food club and café will be open from 11am to 2pm on Tuesdays, and the café will be open between 10.30am and 1pm on Thursdays.

Goods on offer at the cafeGoods on offer at the cafe (Image: Public)

Captain van der Woude said: “It’s for anyone who is struggling with the cost of living. It’s important there is help available.

“People shouldn’t feel ashamed of using us. We are all vulnerable at times.

“Dignity and ownership are important, and to ensure there is no stigma is attached, the service operates as a food club.”

Annual membership costs £5 per person and members pay £3 for each visit they make.

For that, they are entitled to pick up a shopping basket, browse the displays and choose twelve items, which range from foodstuffs to toiletries.

A poster for the cafe's food clubA poster for the cafe's food club (Image: Public)

Captain van der Woude said: “It’s not a hand out, you are buying in to something.

"As a member, you belong to the club and are therefore entitled to the items.

“You are not necessarily entering the building to use the food club. You might just be popping in for a coffee, a chat, or to read the newspapers.”

Captain van der Woude added: “Our doors will be open every week for everyone in the community to enjoy a relaxing refreshment, a chit chat among new and existing friends, or just a sit down and a read of a good book or to do a puzzle.

"It really is a café for the whole community.”

If you would like to join the food group, make donations or help out as a volunteer, please contact bury@salvationarmy.org.uk or phone 01617335142.