The 999 call response times for 2023 have been published by Greater Manchester Police.

According to new data, police response times across Greater Manchester are quicker than the national average. 

Response officers are often the first port of call for many emergencies across the region at all times of the day.

They will often be the first to attend an incident to assess the immediate threat and harm, initiate an investigation and provide a reassuring visible police presence for the public.  

Figures show that Greater Manchester Police (GMP) officers responded to 135,726 "Grade One" incidents in the last year, which are calls that need an immediate response. 

On average, the force responded in nine minutes and 34 seconds, compared to the national average of 15 minutes. 

GMP's force control room receives almost 600,000 999 calls a year – or 1,600 a day – that are answered in around four seconds on average.  

Assistant Chief Constable Matt Boyle, head of response policing at GMP, said: “Response policing is the bedrock of every police force across the country.  

“Our response officers and staff play a vital role in keeping the public of Greater Manchester safe every day of the year around the clock.  

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“Almost every police officer starts on response – there is no doubt it’s one of the toughest but also most rewarding roles in policing.  

“They will usually be the first officers on the scene of an ongoing incident and will often be the first person the public sees, so it is vital they are trained to the highest standards and have the latest kit and equipment. This will include vital life-saving training and the highest driving skills.  

“We have invested £6m in new uniforms for front-line officers as well as upgrading their tasers and body-worn video cameras.  

“When the public call us, often in one of the worst moments of their lives, they rightly expect us to pick up the phone, arrive quickly, act professionally and protect them. 

“We have made significant improvements in doing this over the last few years, particularly in areas such as burglary, where we now attend every burglary report that comes into us, and domestic abuse, where we are arresting more people than ever.” 

The message comes during National Response Policing Week, a period of action to raise awareness of response officers and the wellbeing and resilience support services.