A number of people from Bury have recently been in court.

Magistrates have dealt with a variety of offences including burglary, threatening communication and driving matters.

Here are the people who have recently been in court.

Ehsan Rizvi attacked a man in December last year by beating him.

The 22-year-old admitted the offence at Manchester Magistrates Court.

Rizvi, from Heys Road, Prestwich, was placed on a community order to last for a year and was ordered to do 80 hours of unpaid work and to pay compensation of £150.

Martin Champion sent a message by phone to a woman which conveyed a threat, in September last year.

The following day he attacked the woman.

The 30-year-old admitted the offences at Manchester Magistrates Court.

Champion, from Glastonbury Gardens, Radcliffe, was placed on a community order to last until December next year.

He was ordered to do 200 hours of unpaid work and to complete 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days as part of this.

A restraining order was also imposed until December next year banning him from contacting the woman.

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William Pickford drove a Vauxhall Mokka on Rycote Lane, Oxfordshire, while under the influence of cannabis.

The 29-year-old admitted the offence, which took place in December last year, at Oxford Magistrates Court.

Following this Pickford, from Greenmount Close, Greenmount, was banned from the roads for a year and fined £266.

Adeolu Idowu drove a Mercedes on Hyde Road, Manchester, while over the drink-drive limit.

The 36-year-old was breathalysed and found to have 90 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath.

The legal limit is 35.

Idowu, from Scholars Way, Bury, admitted the offence at Manchester Magistrates Court.

He was placed on a community order to last for a year and ordered to do 120 hours of unpaid work.

He was also banned from the roads for two years.