An MBE winner described as the "very definition of a community champion" will use his award to "champion the incredible" causes he has been involved in.

Isaac Ginsbury, who heads up The Jewel Foundation in Prestwich which supports 550 residents, was named in the King's Birthday Honours List.

The royal honour recognises Isaac’s volunteering work for a number of charities but mainly for his work at Jewel - an employment, training and business support charity -  as well as supporting local authorities to make sure their services are accessible and culturally appropriate for the community.

The 39-year-old has been involved in community projects for more than 15 years and has built up successful partnerships and networks.

In praising Isaac, Jewel's trustees said he is dedicated and a "strong cross-community voice for any resident who needs support". 

Isaac, who was "shocked" and "very humbled" at winning the award, said: “It has always been a tremendous privilege to be able to support the community and this has only been possible because of the incredible support I get from colleagues and trustees.

"Really, they deserve all the credit but I hope to use this award to champion the incredible charities and community projects I am involved in, to continue enhancing people’s lives and ensuring local communities can live together in peace, prosperity and in good health.”

Isaac also praised community leader Norman Younger who gave him his first opportunity and provided him with all the skills and support to be able to undertake communal work.

He also dedicated his award to the haematology department at The Christie Hospital which provided him with compassionate and expert care for many years.

He also thanked the council, which nominated Isaac for the honour, for its support.

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Council chief executive Lynne Ridsdale said: “Our congratulations go out from Bury Council to Isaac for this well-deserved recognition.

“He’s a real example of what we are trying to achieve with our LET’S Community Strategy particularly for the work he does in the local area and together with other services.

“Isaac plays a unique role within the Sedgley community in that he is the universal and pinnacle point of contact with the Charedi community.

"He is trusted and respected by the local Charedi communities for advice, information, support and guidance and connecting them with public services while at the same time the link for public services including councillors, the issues affecting the community, and support with the best means and mediums to engage with Charedi communities.

“Few people have such a pivotal liaison role in local life, and Isaac conducts this with professionalism, looking at the strengths of the community and focusing on solutions. 

“Isaac has been involved with community projects and specifically employment support for more than 17 years since moving to the area.

"He is passionate about making sure people have good economic opportunities and prospects to use their talents and fulfil their potential.

“He is the very definition of a community champion.

“Very well done Isaac and well deserved.”