The borough's new mayor has been running hoops at Bury Croquet Club as part of his first official engagement in the role.

Cllr. Khalid Hussain went along to the club's ground on Whitehead Park with mayoress Carol Bernstein and was welcomed by chairman Roy Spencer.

They went along on Saturday, May 25, which celebrated the club's open day celebrating National Croquet Week.

The mayor and mayoress chatted with visitors and club members before trying their hand at running hoops - which they thoroughly enjoyed.

Other visitors included ward councillors Dene Vernon, Jackie Harris and Shahbaz Arif along with councillors from neighbouring wards and Bury North MP James Daly.

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Bury Times: From left; Club chairman Roy Spencer, mayoress Carol Bernstein, mayor Khalid Hussain and club president David BarrettFrom left; Club chairman Roy Spencer, mayoress Carol Bernstein, mayor Khalid Hussain and club president David Barrett (Image: Bury Croquet Club)

Bury Times: The mayor running a hoopThe mayor running a hoop (Image: Bury Croquet Club)

Bury Times: From left; Cllr Jackie Harris, club chairman Roy Spencer, mayoress Carol Bernstein, mayor Khalid Hussain, club president David Barrett and Cllr Dene VernonFrom left; Cllr Jackie Harris, club chairman Roy Spencer, mayoress Carol Bernstein, mayor Khalid Hussain, club president David Barrett and Cllr Dene Vernon (Image: Bury Croquet Club)

Bury Times: The National Croquet Week open day eventThe National Croquet Week open day event (Image: Bury Croquet Club)

Mr Spencer said: "We are honoured and delighted to have welcomed the mayor and mayoress on their first official engagement.

"We are also pleased to welcome a good number of visitors, including one from Arizona, some of whom have signed up for taster sessions."

For more information about the club visit