Bury received less than one percent of the total Arts Council funding made available in Greater Manchester last year, figures show.

Groups in the region were awarded more than £38m from the public body with borough organisations handed £321,918.

This made Bury the second least worst funded in Greater Manchester after Stockport (£197,436).

At the other end of the scale Manchester received the most with £25m with nearly £10m going to Factory International.

Neighbouring Bolton was given £4.5m, most of it going to Bolton Music Service.

Cllr Charlotte Morris, cabinet member for culture, the economy and skills, said: “We know that the proportion of arts funding that Bury receives is relatively low despite the brilliant work that goes on in our borough.

“We want to see Bury not just receive our fair share of funding across Greater Manchester but to punch above our weight. We have fantastic arts and culture institutions.”

More than half of the funding in Bury went to The Met theatre, which relies on grant funding from bodies such as Arts Council England for a quarter of its income, according to its annual report.

The Market Street venue received £187,000 last year to support it to host international acts such as Los Angeles-based singer and songwriter Joshua Radin and Texan jazz and western trio Hot Club of Cowtown.

The Met CEO Victoria Robinson said: “We're incredibly grateful to the Arts Council and all of our funders that support the important work we do here in Bury and allow us to be a creative hub for the local community.

“Our expansive programme relies on this vital funding to continue in an increasingly challenging climate.”

National portfolio organisations such as The Met receive funding in return for supporting the Arts Council to achieve its goal of enriching people's lives.

The theatre does this through its programme of events as well as hosting family friendly workshops and providing a recording studio space.

With only seven applicants receiving funding in Bury, The Fusilier Museum and Hive North theatre company, which works across Greater Manchester, both received just under £30,000 each.

An Arts Council England spokesperson said: “We want our funding to cover a broad range of disciplines and activity types and we balance this with a rigorous process to invest public money.

“We are committed to continue working with partners in all 10 boroughs of Greater Manchester to do the best we can to support arts and creativity and to ensure the region has a thriving cultural sector.”