Older residents and staff at the leading Jewish provider of care and social services in Greater Manchester have welcomed Foreign Secretary Lord David Cameron to the borough.

The former Prime Minister was invited to The Fed in Prestwich yesterday, Tuesday, by the Conservative candidate for Bury South, Arnie Saunders, and given a tour of the facilities by CEO Mark Cunningham, vice chairman David Eventhall and the CEO of the Greater Manchester Jewish Representative Council, Marc Levy.

The visit comes the week after the General Election for July 4 was called.

Bury Times: Lord David Cameron, centre, and Arnie Saunders, second right, during the visitLord David Cameron, centre, and Arnie Saunders, second right, during the visit (Image: Conservatives)

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Arnie said: “I was honoured to welcome the Foreign Secretary and former Prime Minister Lord David Cameron along to The Fed-Heathlands Village on Tuesday.

“On the tour we met residents who were taking part in afternoon activities. - including Marc's grandfather, Saul Levy.

"His visit certainly made their day.”