Work to build 30 new homes on the site of a former day care centre has started in Whitefield.

The first new homes at Wheatfields are starting to take shape with a show home at expected by summer, and the entire development expected to be finished by autumn 2024.

The centre was demolished in 2018 and management of the site later became a troubling issue for the council, with the area vulnerable to fly-tipping, crime and antisocial behaviour.

Onward Homes lodged plans for the site in September last year and now say the 30 new homes will be affordable.

Sandy Livingstone, executive director of property at Onward said: “Bury Council has been extremely supportive and collaborative in our work on Wheatfields, so it was immensely satisfying to demonstrate our progress on site.

“Partnership working with Bury Council and our contractor John Southworth will be crucial to ensure our local community continues to benefit from our work, throughout and far beyond the construction phase.

“While we continue to invest in new homes to meet a growing demand in Bury, we will also invest far more into our existing 1,200 homes in the area over the coming years.

“We aim to provide customers with homes that are affordable to rent or buy, and to live in.”

Work in on the site began in June and Onward will ultimately market 14 of the new homes for shared ownership.

16 will be made available at affordable rents capped at Local Housing Allowance rates.

Once completed, Bury Council will manage the nominations and allocations process for all affordable rent homes at Wheatfields in perpetuity.

Cllr Clare Cummins, cabinet member for housing services at Bury Council, said: “We are pleased to see another brownfield site in Bury being brought back into use for the local community, while improving the quality and choice of affordable housing in the area.

“Bury Council has worked extensively with Onward to ensure the right housing mix at Wheatfields, including more affordable ways for local people to get on the housing ladder.

“We will continue to work closely with local housing providers to ensure Bury’s existing residents are prioritised to benefit from any new residential development in the borough.”

Onward received brownfield funding from Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) to help progress the development.

The Council is anticipating the delivery of 366 new affordable homes over the next few years.

Steven Brown, Managing Director of John Southworth said: “We are delighted to be developing new homes in Bury and bringing life to this brownfield site, building homes that people will be proud to call home.

“We are committed to building and contributing to communities and delivering a social return on investment, bringing added values to areas.”