The indoor Bury Market Hall has been closed due to an immediate RAAC safety risk causing many traders to lose stock, orders, and stalls.

Traders were told about the closure at around 7pm Thursday, however, this was too late for those who had already baked or restocked, ready for one of their busiest  days.

Bury Times: The indoor Bury Market Hall has been closed

Others who missed the email turned up to an empty, locked hall this morning.

As of yesterday, 14 traders were told they could re-open as their stalls are located on the outskirts of the building where there is not safety risk.

16 have already been relocated, but some stall holders say that this may be the end for them.


“Rachel has been a good tenant to Bury Market for over 20 years” Traders at Bury Undoor Market left reeling at the lack of warning of the closure of their stalls due to RAAC concerns. Live updates on the developing situation:

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A trader from Rachels Handbags said: “We will see what new location we are offered but we are going to look at closing the stall too.

“Rachel has owned the stall for over 23 years and has been a good tenant for Bury Council.

Bury Times: A trader from Rachels Handbags

“She was very disappointed last night at 7pm when she received an email saying the Market would be closed because of roof concrete.

“We are now out of pocket, don’t know when the market will reopen and we are vey annoyed with the council.

“Someone must have known there were RAAC concerns but this is the first we have heard.

Bury Times: The indoor Bury Market Hall has been closed

“I’ve been in this business all my life and we love it at Bury Market.   

“But, if we are moved to the Mill Gate it wouldn’t work, it is a completely different batch of customers.”

Bury Times: The indoor Bury Market Hall has been closed

Empty lots in the Mill Gate and on Bury Market are being used to relocate indoor market traders.

In a meeting yesterday, the roof was described as ‘condemned’ and it was said that an emergency evacuation was necessary.


Bury indoor market stalls closed without notice due to RAAC safety concerns, leaving stall holders in the lurch today. Full story:

♬ original sound - The Bury Times

Ahead of the meeting, Steve Maloney, who runs the BBQ Barn at Bury indoor market, said his main concern was having to lay off staff who are due to be paid this week.

He said: “I’m down in the dumps, we have been given such short notice.

“My main concern at the minute is my staff.

Bury Times: Steve Maloney, who runs the BBQ Barn

“I have numerous members of staff who need to be paid this week and without a Friday and Saturday it isn’t going to happen.

“How long until we can reopen – they say the foreseeable future – it is like saying how long is a piece of string.

“At the minute, I have around £2,000 worth of perishables on the stall and I can’t get into the market.

“If I am relocated, I have hot counters, three rotissomat’s, four ovens and it’s all bespoke and built it, not movable.

Bury Times: The indoor Bury Market Hall has been closed

“It’s not just me, some stalls are literally screwed to the floor – it is a catastrophic event and I don’t know how we are going to get around this.

“Found out far too late, I had a full pallet of ducks in for today and couldn’t cancel that because it was too late and I have had to cancel all my other orders which has a ripple effect on the people we get them from.

“I have staff that have been with me for a long time and I don’t want to have to lay them off, that is not fair on them, but I need to know where the wages are coming from.”

Bury Times: The indoor Bury Market Hall has been closed

During the meeting one trader said: “We live on a week-to-week basis, especially with our income, what do we do now, how will we pay our staff.”

Rent and other amenities have been frozen for traders and the council are looking have a discussion on establishing discretionary fund to help support traders going forward.

Vikki Simpson, whose café is situated on the outskirts of the affected building, has been told she can re-open.

Bury Times:

She said: “I found out about the closure from seeing posters go up whilst working late in the building last night.

“I had just finished making more stock and I have been worrying about what will happen all night.


More trader reactions to the RAAC situation on Bury Market - more information on our website.

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“Today, we have lost around £1,000 from unused stock and having to close.

“Even though we can now re-open, I am worried that people will miss us.

“I am scared that this is going to have a negative impact on footfall, especially around this side of the Market if stalls are moving towards the Mill Gate area.”

Regular visitors to the market, who travel especially to see stall holders, shared their sympathy.


Bury Market partially closed due to RAAC saftey concerns

♬ original sound - The Bury Times

Renee Walsh travelled from Hyde and said: “I come every few weeks here and it is such a shame to know it might be closed until after Christmas.

“This is peoples livelihoods and you can’t beat Bury, people travel for miles.

Bury Times: Renee Walsh

“I will still come down but I’m going to miss the stalls, the friendly faces, it is so sad it really is.”

Traders have called for money from the Bury Market regeneration project to be put into resolving the current crisis facing them.

@theburytimes Councillor Charoltte Morris gives advice to traders and shoppers #bury #burymarket ♬ original sound - The Bury Times

However, Councillor Charlotte Morris said: “We have completely different funding post and the flexi hall is funded by a government grant and that is still full steam ahead.

“There is no interrelation between matters, and we could not use that money for the repairs.

“We still need to understand the full extent of the repairs that are required and from there we will have a cost assessment.”

Bury Times: Cllr Charlotte Morris, cabinet member for culture and the economy

She added: There is no good time to close a market hall, no good time to tell traders they can’t operate, at this time of year it is even worse.

“We recognise that, and we are doing our absolute utmost to support them where we can.

It is a fast-moving situation, and we have been working through the night and today to make sure traders know we are on their side and we will support them through this.”

For our live blog of the day see here.