It was a busy few days for the rural task force in Rossendale as they clamped down on road and vehicle crime.

A white van was stopped in Bacup with the driver reportedly having no insurance.

The driver had also never passed his test, according to police, so the vehicle was seized and the driver was reported.

Later, a Mercedes Benz was seen travelling at excess speed in Haslingden, police said.

Police ordered the car to stop in Rawtenstall and found that once again, neither the driver or the vehicle were insured. The car was seized and the driver reported

Following this, a blue Volkswagen Golf was seen in Rawtenstall showing no insurance.

Upon stopping the car, police noticed a string smell of cannabis and searched all four occupants.

Unluckily for them, they were all found to be in possession of cannabis, which was seized.

All four were also issued with a fixed penalty for possession of cannabis.

Despite the driver testing negative on a roadside drug wipe, his vehicle was still seized and he was reported for having no insurance.

And a Vauxhall Adam was seen in Bacup showing no insurance, police said.

When officers went to stop the vehicle, the driver allegedly tried to evade officers and hide, but was swiftly detained.

Again, police said they found the driver to be uninsured and that he was disqualified from driving too.

The driver was interviewed and will be summonsed to court in due course.

The vehicle was also seized.

A spokesperson for the police said: “Over the last few days officers from the rural task force based at Rossendale have been on their later shifts working into the early hours of the morning.

“We just thought we would share some of what we have been up to alongside conducting various enquiries and paperwork, as we continue to work proactively right across Rossendale to keep you all safe.

“The white van was stopped in Bacup due having no insurance and the driver didn’t even bother to take his test. Vehicle seized and driver reported.

“The Mercedes was travelling at excess speed in Haslingden which caught our attention, before being stopped in Rawtenstall.

"The driver was spoken with and he also decided that he didn’t need insurance. Vehicle seized and driver reported.

“The blue Volkswagen Golf was seen in Rawtenstall and showing no insurance. Vehicle smelt strongly of cannabis, so all four occupants were searched under S23 Misuse of Drugs Act.

“All found to be in possession of cannabis which was seized. All occupants issued with a fixed penalty for possession of cannabis.

"Driver tested negative on a roadside drug wipe, but his vehicle was seized and driver reported for no insurance.

“And finally, the Vauxhall Adam was seen in Bacup showing no insurance. When officers have gone to stop the vehicle, it has tried to evade officers and hide, but the driver was swiftly detained. Not only was the driver not insured, but also disqualified from driving.

"Therefore, driver interviewed at the roadside and will be put before a court in due course.

“We obviously seized the vehicle as well.”