Greater Manchester Police's (GMP) treatment of women in custody is coming under the spotlight after the commissioning of an independent inquiry by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.

Dame Vera Baird KC, a barrister of almost 50 years' experience, an ex-MP and Solicitor General, is leading the Baird Inquiry at the request of mayor Andy Burnham.

The independent inquiry comes after a number of complaints about GMP's treatment of women in custody, in particular the use of strip searches. Sky News reported one 38-year-old woman claimed she was assaulted after she was strip searched while in custody at a station in Pendleton, Salford.

Previously, the force denied all wrongdoing.

Bury Times: Dame Vera Baird KC is leading the Baird Inquiry

Dame Vera said: "The mayor and deputy mayor (Kate Green) were concerned by reports which put at risk public confidence, and particularly of women, in reporting crime or having any contact with GMP.

"I will look not only at the events in the media but collect experiences and information in order to answer whether women’s rights, their safety and their dignity are being appropriately protected by the force."

Dame Vera is assessing the treatment of the 38-year-old woman plus two others and is examining whether their experiences are widespread as well as whether there is any inequality between men and women.

She is to come to conclusions and to publish recommendations in a report to Mr Burnham and Ms Green this year.

Ms Green, who is responsible for the police as deputy mayor, said: “The safety of women is a priority for the mayor and me. We have made no secret of it before and it remains as important as ever. 

"That is why we have acted so we can be sure women have confidence they will be treated with dignity by GMP if they report a crime, or are taken into custody, and actions of staff are appropriate.

"Ultimately, women must have confidence in their police, particularly when reporting crime, and we want the Baird Inquiry to help to enhance this."

This article was written by Jack Tooth. To contact him, email or follow @JTRTooth on Twitter.