A police officer has been given an award for helping to save a man’s life in Ramsbottom, while off duty.

Blackburn police’s Emma Millward and Greater Manchester Police's (GMP) Jenna Millward, who transferred from Lancashire in December 2022 after 17 years, performed life-saving CPR on their neighbour’s father.

On Thursday, May 18, David Bell suffered a cardiac arrest in Ramsbottom while taking out the bins.

Using their police knowledge and training, as all frontline officers are basic first aid trained, the couple came to the rescue and delivered CPR in the crucial seconds that followed and called for an ambulance.

Not only did they perform life saving resuscitation, they knew a defibrillator was nearby at a local garage.

After signalling to a passer-by the women were able to hook-up the pads and use the verbal instructions before the ambulance arrived 10 minutes later.

On Monday, July 31, both received a commendation from the GMP chief constable for their heroic actions that saved the life of the man, who they later found out was a former GMP officer himself.

Bury Times: Jenna Millward and Emma Millward have been praised for saving a man's lifeJenna Millward and Emma Millward have been praised for saving a man's life (Image: GMP)

Jenna said: “It was a very quick incident where our natural instincts took over from our training as officers.

"It was the right thing to do after we heard a loud bang from our window and a man was collapsed on the road.

"We’re both just really pleased he’s made a full recovery as life is so precious so he can continue to share moments with his loved ones.

“To be recognised by your force is a really special moment and it was extremely heart-warming to share the experience and award with David, the person we saved who has been so thankful since.

"Having done CPR countless times in our career the paramedics were very impressed with the standard of CPR that he had received prior to their arrival which gives us immense pride.

“As officers we just want to protect the public and like any good neighbours should want to do as well, look out for each other.

"We can’t stress the importance of more people taking the time to understand and learn the basics of CPR or lifesaving techniques and where their local defibrillator is to help in the immediate aftermath of an incident before more qualified professionals or the emergency services can get there, it is literally the difference between life and death.

“A charity ‘Restart the Heart’ is run by a lady called Sarah who tirelessly campaigns to get more public defibs.

"It is because of her that we have that defib so close to our home.

"Without that, I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever that David would not be with us despite our actions.”

Their actions and to have a public defibrillator less than 200m from their street meant from starting CPR to getting the defib on and delivering the first shock was just over four minutes.

On the nomination, the neighbour who put them forward said: “The two officers appeared like lightning from nowhere and immediately took control of the situation.

"They gave him immediate CPR and alternated compressions on a one-minute cycle. The teamwork just seemed to kick in as events unfolded around them.

“When the ambulance crew arrived, the officers were concise and informative in terms of the actions carried out and reciting the crucial timeline.

“As the casualty was admitted to the ambulance, things looked bleak until the paramedic said he had just started to breathe unaided.

"The paramedic made a special note of complimenting the officers, saying that they had more than likely saved his life with their quick thinking, bravery and calm teamworking.

"Without question, those two officers saved a life that night and there was absolutely nothing routine about it.

"They are real life heroines, and I’m sure the casualty and his distraught daughter, who witnessed it all from the end of her drive, will be eternally grateful.

“It’s all too easy to criticise the police for the slightest of things in this modern digital world but this showed just how good those two officers are. They are a credit to the respective police area forces.

“I am just a neighbour who doesn’t really know the officers other than to say hello to them from time to time, I am really proud of them and the fact that they live in our close.

"They are modern day heroes – and they even did this in their pyjamas and slippers.”

David spent several days in hospital and made enough progress two weeks later to be discharged and is on the road to recovery.

He was also in attendance this week as part of the special event held by GMP to acknowledge the efforts of both Jenna and Emma.