A Bury primary school has a "thriving and caring community", according to inspectors.

Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary in Rudgwick Drive "continues to be a good school" after a visit from regulator Ofsted.

The inspection was the school's second ungraded inspection since it was judged to be good in June 2012, meaning it has maintained a consistent level of quality.

It was also previously ranked outstanding in 2008.

The voluntary-aided school has around 200 students and 30 staff members.

Most of the senior leadership team and a significant number of teaching staff have been appointed since the school was last inspected.

In its first report since the pandemic, the Ofsted report said: "Pupils thrive in this caring school community.

"They love to come to school each day and they try hard in their lessons.

"Pupils of all ages achieve highly, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

"Pupils learn to be considerate of everyone's differences.

"Bullying and unkindness are extremely rare. If bullying ever happens, leaders swiftly ensure that it does not continue.

"Even the youngest pupils follow school routines independently, such as walking sensibly to the hall for assembly.

"In almost all subjects, the curriculum is well organised. Subject leaders have thought carefully about the most important knowledge that pupils should learn."

Our Lady of Lourdes also recently became part of a federation with Guardian Angels' RC Primary.

Headteacher Joanne Davies said: "We are absolutely delighted by our recent Ofsted outcome.

"The Ofsted report celebrates our wonderful children, staff, parents and governors.

"The report highlights how happy and safe our children are at Our Lady of Lourdes.

"It recognises the great learning opportunities children experience within the classroom and through enrichment activities and extra curricular activities.

"The report recognises our excellent provision for SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) children within our resource provision.

"I am incredibly proud of the progress we have made as a school since the last Ofsted report in 2017 and I am excited about the future for our school as we continue to work together to do the best for the children at Our Lady of Lourdes."