Two friends are set to take on a challenge near the world's highest mountain to rise vital funds in aid of Bury Cancer Support Centre.

Callum McDonald and Thomas Wilson, both from Bury, are flying out to Nepal on Friday, March 24 to begin a 12-day trek to reach the base camp of Mount Everest.

The duo will be trekking 80 miles, reaching altitudes of 5500 metres and will endure freezing temperatures, low oxygen levels and harsh weather conditions to reach the camp.

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Callum, 28, who works for Conservatory Insulations in Radcliffe, said: “Tom mentioned doing it and I thought if I’m going to do it I want to get something good out of it.

“My family always donate to Bury Cancer Support anyway and it’s the charity’s 20th anniversary this year, so I thought I’ll do something special for them to raise some money.”

Conservatory Insulations is the main sponsor of the trip as they have worked with the support centre for many years.

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Marketing manager Richard Pawson said: “The company itself has been a supporter of Bury Cancer Support Centre for a number of years but we’ve only partook in charity functions that they have done locally.

“This is the biggest thing that has happened regarding our employer.

“The company are excited about it, and they are contributing some shirts for him and supporting his as best they can do.”

The charity holds a special place in many family’s hearts across Bury and the proceeds raised will help support those affected and their families.

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Callum added: “We only set up the JustGiving page on March 4 and we’re already on £2,080.

“I’ve never done anything like this before, so when I set it up I put the target as £2,500 but I’m really close to it already with two weeks to go.”

They are hoping to exceed their £2,500 target and people can donate by clicking here.

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