An amateur operatic society is calling for young theatre enthusiasts to join its new youth group following its successful first production.

All Saints Elton Amateur Operatic Society is looking for young people aged six to 16 to join them ahead of its next productions of Annie and The Jungle Book.

All Saint’s youth group was launched last year and recently staged its first production, A Christmas Cringle, in December.

The group is now looking for more young people to join the cast and crew for its upcoming musicals for a chance to perform at The Met on July 8.

Youngsters interested in any aspect of theatre production are encouraged to join in, as the group offers opportunities to take part in the show both on and off-stage.

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Volunteer Rebecca Foster says that any child who wants to take part will be offered a place. 

Speaking to the Bury Times in September she said that youth theatre is a great way of building confidence.

Bury Times: All Saint’s (Elton) Theatre Youth is calling for new members ahead of its next productionsAll Saint’s (Elton) Theatre Youth is calling for new members ahead of its next productions (Image: All Saint’s (Elton) Theatre Youth)

Rebecca said: “We don’t say it's just for people who want to do dancing or singing, it’s for everybody and anybody who wants to do anything within theatre.

“It builds confidence, and you learn so much from such a wide range of people, its good for them to get that experience.

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“Even the quietest kids, when they get on stage, they just blossom.”

All Saint's Elton Theatre Youth is led by industry trained and experienced tutors, who are fully DBS checked.

They include the group’s director Charlotte Crawley and Olivia Kershaw who starred in the society’s production of My Fair Lady.

Anyone interested in getting involved should email Angela at for more information.