I am sure you are all familiar with the 12 days of Christmas, so I bring to you the 12 days of Christmas under this government.

12 years of austerity- 12 years of utterly incompetent government has denuded the infrastructure that we need to cope with relatively predictable and ordinary crises or events. Nothing works any more and the whole country is seemingly on strike.

11 leadership candidates (the first time!)- 11 candidates when Boris finally left, and the supposed best of the bunch plunged the economy into meltdown within a few weeks!

10 per cent inflation rate- As a by-product of Liz Truss’ mini budget we are all now facing of rising inflation for the foreseeable, so much for growing the economy, Liz!

9 million adults experiencing food insecurity- We now have under this government have more food banks than there are restaurants of McDonald's. Shameful in the sixth richest economy in the world.

8 Downing Street Covid parties- Who can forget how the government partied away while the rest of us stayed in to protect others during the pandemic? One rule for them and one rule for the rest of us.

7 million households in fuel poverty- With the temporary measures to help households over and with no long term plan in place, it is expected to rise to 11m.

6 months extension for Avanti to run the West Coast Mainline- The government has continued to reward failure from Avanti. As many of you will know it has almost become a Russian roulette on whether your train will leave or not. Despite having a record number of complaint received a six-month extension from the government and even performance related bonuses!

5 Education Secretaries- Whether it be rewarding Gavin Williamson’s Covid exam failure with a knighthood or the two-day tenure of Michelle Donelan, our children have been failed throughout this year.

4 Chancellors- We have had Nadim Zahawi’s inability to add up, the "KamiKwasi" budget with Kwarteng and Truss and now austerity 2.0 from Jeremy Hunt. One thing is for sure, regardless of who it is, we’ve all been paying for it.

3 Prime Ministers- We have had the man who lied to pretty much everyone throughout his tenure, then we had the woman who wanted to grow the economy only to shrink it beyond comprehension and terrify the markets, only to be followed by her runner up and the richest man to ever to be Prime Minister, who thinks we should all tighten our belt and tax us up to our eyeballs.

2 Home Secretaries- Crime up, asylum seekers demonised, prisons overflowing and an expensive Rwanda scheme that won’t work. I didn’t think it could get worse than Priti Patel but Suella really has proved me wrong.

And ONE depressing constant- This government has lurched from crisis to crisis and as a country we deserve so much more. There is only one thing I will be asking Santa for in the new year and that is a general election.