Two centenarians from a care home in Prestwich have received 100th birthday cards from King Charles III.

Joyce Frayman and Bessie Taube, who live at Heathlands Village, are "chuffed to bits" after receiving the cards which were addressed from both the King and The Queen Consort.

Bury Times: Card from the KingCard from the King (Image: Public)

Joyce, who was among the first cohort of people to receive a card from the King, has been keeping the royal card in an envelope under her cardigan.

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Bury Times: Joyce Frayman and her card from the KingJoyce Frayman and her card from the King (Image: Public)

Her niece Karen Sonenberg said: “It's very important for her to keep it safe.

“She keeps it in an envelope under her cardigan by her heart, so she knows where it is at all times.

“She’s so delighted to be amongst the first cohort of people to receive a card from the King.”

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Bury Times: Bessie Taube and her daughter Judy Bessie Taube and her daughter Judy (Image: Public)

Bessie, who has been equally as excited, said the King looked very handsome on the card and that she wishes him well in his new role.

Her daughter Judy said: “It’s wonderful. My mum is thrilled to bits.

“To reach a hundred is just marvelous. The card was two weeks late, but I think I’ll let the Palace off!”

Prestwich charity The Fed provide care for Joyce and Bessie. 

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