Residents have shared their anger after being hit by a wave of "disgusting and awful behaviour" which led to police being instructed to move Travellers away from a field.

Cllr Tamoor Tariq said a group of Travellers turned up at Redvales fields in an unauthorised encampment with neighbours stating that the group first arrived on Sunday, September 4.

The council cabinet member, who represents the area, has reported there has been "clear evidence of serious anti-social behaviour (ASB), vandalism and damage caused" in the last few days.

There were also sightings of youths on quad bikes, piles of sawdust left in the area, fireworks being set off and an unconfirmed report was made that a hare had been nailed to a fence.

Cllr Tariq said if the Travellers at the site had not left by 12pm on Monday police would have powers to start seizing vehicles.   

Bury Times: Rubbish left in the fieldRubbish left in the field (Image: Social Media)

On Sunday, he said: “Many thanks to all those who have been in touch with me in the last week about the disgusting and awful behaviour by those who have engaged in the unauthorised encampment.

“The information provided to me over the last two to three days has been invaluable and progress has now been made.

"With clear evidence of serious ASB, vandalism and damage, a joint effort has taken place by Greater Manchester Police (GMP) and Bury Council.

“A senior council officer (as landlord) has been down to the Redvales field tonight (Sunday) accompanied by 10 police officers to ask the Travellers to leave the land immediately, using alternative legislation open to the council given the despicable behaviour and awful ASB of recent days.”

Cllr Tariq added: “The behaviour and manner in which they have conducted themselves has been among the worst ever seen in the borough.

Bury Times: Rubbish in a fieldRubbish in a field (Image: Facebook)

“Once tomorrow’s (Monday's) issues are concluded we will be looking at a borough-wide plan of action to combat these sorts of illegal encampments.”

Residents have shared their concerns after seeing mess pile up on the fields and noted multiple counts of anit-social behaviour.

One Facebook user said: “Our house backs onto the field and we’ve just had (two people) climbing on top of our shed and throwing berries at my 18-month-old then pebbles at the patio doors! When will anyone do anything about this? It’s beyond a joke!”

Bury Times: Rubbish in a fieldRubbish in a field (Image: Facebook)

Another said: “We definitely don’t want them back. Maybe those posts that unlock and drop into the ground, where the gate is, so they can’t get back on.

“My previous experience of working as part of an eviction team on these kinds of encampments, says they will be back and what they normally do is send someone to cut the lock on a gate, bung them a few quid so they don’t get in trouble.

“The posts would allow authorities on to cut grass et, but are near impossible to force through so a bit safer than the gate and chain.

“Let’s hope and pray they are gone and our field gets a proper clean-up and recovers.”

On Monday afternoon, residents said the Travellers left the site.

Greater Manchester Police has been approached for a comment about the situation.

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