A three-day exhibition will be taking place in Radcliffe which will share historic, nostalgic and fresher memories of locals' "schooldays".

The three-day Heritage exhibition will take place at Radcliffe Parish Church of St Mary on Church Green from Friday, September 16, until Sunday, September 18.

The exhibition will showcase local children’s images and thoughts on present-day school alongside nostalgic reflections from people's past school day experiences.

Historical documents from Radcliffe Hall Primary School will also feature.

The event will be free and includes a talk from Carol Kemp, on her research into Radcliffe Manor, an hour "walk n talk" around the heritage trail as well as a tour around the church.

To conclude the exhibition, a re-run of their most popular event last year will take place on the final day.

Locals and those involved in the exhibition will be able to vote for their favourite "schoold day" hymns, which will then be sung at the end of the event.