A POPULAR event in which tortoises, terrapins and turtles are given free "weigh-in" health checks is back after a two-year break amid the pandemic.

For the past 35 years, the Northern Region of the British Chelonia Group (BCG) has been organising the free ‘weigh-in’ health check events for tortoises, terrapins and turtles. 

The event has been interrupted for the past two years due to the pandemic but it is back this year at Wilkinson’s Store at The Rock tomorrow, Saturday, from 10am to 5pm.

The event gives free advice, information and physical examination of tortoises, terrapins and turtles and welcomes anyone with an interest in the subject can attend too.

John Thorpe, the North regional chairman of BCG, said: “The idea is it’s a free event people can come along, even if they don’t have a tortoise or a terrapin that’s fine, the point is if anyone has an interest or even knows someone that has one and they just want to pick up some information for them, it’s like a one stop shop.

“Obviously, the main point though is if people bring them physically in, we can examine them, check their health, weigh them, measure them and give any information and it’s all free, it’s just like a public service event really.

“We’ve got a hardcore group of people who come year on year who we are very grateful for, and we always get new people.

"But we have a pretty loyal following thankfully, and they seem to value it."

In the past, the event has exceeded more then 60 people in exceptional cases.

However, John stressed even if they only get 30 people the event has still done some good for the community.

He said: “Those people might not have access to the information otherwise, so it is genuinely saving lives.

"It can literally be anything from friendly advice to lifesaving.”

At the event, there is a fully trained vet present as well as John as he is not a trained vet.

John said: “I do just want to stress that I’m not a vet and I’m not pretending to be, I just have a lot of personal experience and I’ve known a lot of vets that I’ve picked up information from.

“It’s like a combination of personal experience and the fact that we have the vet instore with us at these events.

"If there is anything I’m not too familiar with, he can pick up on that.”