POLICE were called to a “20-man brawl” in Bury town centre which reportedly ended with one man being stabbed.

The Bury Times has received various reports suggesting that the incident reported on earlier was a scuffle that started in one of the takeaways in the area then spilled out into the street.

The “brawl” involved around 20 young men in their early 20s and they could be heard shouting ‘come on then.’

Police in Bury town centre - reports of stabbing on Bolton Street

“One of them was holding a plank of wood. They were all trying to fight each other,” an eyewitness said.

Amid the chaos, the witness described how they saw that “a guy dropped to the floor.

"He was bleeding everywhere. I’m pretty sure he got stabbed.”

A “massive police presence” was quickly on the scene, with an estimated five cars turning up soon after the man collapsed.

A second witness, who also wished to remain anonymous said: “A black car with about five young men in was parked outside when arguments broke out between a few groups of lads.

“Then one of the men got out and grabbed something from the boot and started swinging for people’s heads.

“The black car then raced around the corner when another man jumped out of the car.

“There was a scuffle of people and then the men from the black car jumped into it and drove away and everyone went into a frenzy.

“The police responded really quickly and had the situation under control as soon as they got there.

“It was just really scary how quickly things escalated.

“It was about 5 am and the police ended up cordoning off the street from the Clarence to where the train station is.”

According to the witnesses, the man was taken from the scene to hospital in an ambulance, however, his condition is not known, and there has not yet been confirmation from either North West Ambulance or Greater Manchester Police, who have both been approached for a comment.

The area is still currently cordoned off, with on-duty officers saying that investigations are ongoing, and enquiries are being made.